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High Temperature Ovens
High Temperature Oven XHT125
Why choose our XHT125 high temperature ovens ?
Rapid heating-up to 500°C
Temperature fluctuation: less than ±0,2°C
Temperature spatial variation: less than ±2,5°C at 200°C
They are suitable for a large number of applications: burning, degassing, pre-heating, hardening, hot air sterilization, tests... in many branches of laboratory and industry.
High Temperature Oven XHT343
Why choose our XHT high temperature ovens ?
Rapid heating-up to 500°C
Temperature fluctuation: less than ±0,2°C
Temperature spatial variation: less than ±2,5°C at 200°C
They are suitable for a large number of applications: burning, degassing, pre-heating, hardening, hot air sterilization, tests... in many branches of laboratory and industry.