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Steel Testing Equipment
600kN Universal Testing Machine
United DFM-600kN Universal testing machine are the logical choice when maximum crosshead travel and load frame capacity are required. The DFM models offer a choice of four standard load frame capacities.
Universal Hardness Tester
The United TRU-BLUE Rockwell Hardness Tester is computer controlled (closed loop) application of forces are via load cell measurement. Standards: ASTM E18 Metals, ASTM D785 Plastics, ISO 6508 Metals. Brinell Test method ASTM E10, ISO 6506.
The pendulum impact testers PSD 450/300/150 of WPM with a working capacity of 150, 300 or 450 J are applied for the following tests: Notched-bar impact tests based on Charpy on steel and other metals according to DIN EN ISO 148, DIN 50115, ISO 83, ISO 148 and ASTM-E 23