(1 đánh giá)

PSD 450/300/150


12 months

The pendulum impact testers PSD 450/300/150 of WPM with a working capacity of 150, 300 or 450 J are applied for the following tests: Notched-bar impact tests based on Charpy on steel and other metals according to DIN EN ISO 148, DIN 50115, ISO 83, ISO 148 and ASTM-E 23


The pendulum impact testers of WPM with a working capacity of 150, 300 or 450 J are applied for the following tests:

Notched-bar impact tests based on Charpy on steel and other metals according to DIN EN ISO 148, DIN 50115, ISO 83, ISO 148 and ASTM-E 23
Impact strength tests based on Izod
When applying corresponding special accessories for

Notched-bar impact tests based on Izod according ASTM E 23
Brugger according to ZF 15-53
Impact tensile tests
Wedge impact tests according to DIN EN ISO 11343 according to ASTM-E 23

Rigid design, therefore very low vibration and long service life
Easily exchangeable hammer edges, support and pendulum hammer
4-digit digital display of absorbed impact energy
Increased operating comfort by automatic pendulum lifting and automatic pendulum brake
Electrical safety release of the pendulum (two-hand operation)
Digital continuous preselection of the working capacity in range from 20 % to 100 % of the nominal value
High-strength hammer edges, hammer edges prepared for instrumentation, automatic specimen centering, and devices for impact-tensile tests are optionally available

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